With the GDPR looming many businesses will be looking to ensure their website is compliant. We have been working closely with multiple businesses to ensure this happens, and we are more than happy to help any new clients.

Any website that captures identifiable user data needs to comply with the GDPR, which means if you are running a content management system such as WordPress, it is almost guaranteed you will need to have some compliance features in place with your hosting.

For a basic WordPress website, the job isn’t too complex, we just need to make sure users can opt out of any tracking if they wish, no form data is stored unencrypted on the server (or at all) and users have the right to delete all their data. It is also essential user have their connection encrypted with an SSL certificate.

Our servers are located in the EU and they are a dedicated machine, we control all the software and security on them. The server specifications include a 6-core CPU with 64GB of ram and an NVMe based disk drive. The disk drive, in particular, is the fastest available option for servers unless you go for something that would cost our clients hundreds per month.

As part of our hosting package, we don’t just set it up and forget about it, we carry out the management of essential updates to the WordPress core files, plugins, and your theme files. This is an essential part of the GDPR, if your website is hacked you will have 72 hours to notify your clients about the data breach.

The hosting packages we offer also include an extensive backup policy where we do daily database backups, and weekly full file backups. All our backups are triplicated, keeping one on the server for quick access, a second on a remotely hosted Windows server and finally locally on our own servers. This ensures your data can always be restored no matter what happens. Our backups are date stamped and we keep historical backups in the event a website is hacked, we can then restore a clean backup.

For a standard WordPress website with an SSL and emails hosted with Zoho we currently charge £25 per month or £240

If you have a more complex installation, in particular, if you keep sensitive client data on the server we will need to discuss the requirements further allowing us to come up with options to minimize your risks.

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